Josab Water Solutions is active in the development of ecological water purification solutions. Business is controlled by the group’s established subsidiary, where sales are made of patented filter materials. Customers are found in the industrial sector and the business is globally established. The head office of the company is located in Nacka.

Quotes for Josab Water Solutions AB

Right Now

Turnover ()
Time (Latest trade)



  • Jane Jeppsson

Chairperson of the Board

  • Peter Fredell


  • Anna Bonde
  • Qi Kai
  • Wilfrid Balmer
  • Yuan Wei

Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Qingqin International Group Limited 21,97 21,97 2022-03-31
Avanza Pension 8,39 8,39 2022-03-31
Vimab Holding AB 7,21 7,21 2022-03-31
Andrej Setina & närstående 1,72 1,72 2022-03-31
Markku Mäkinen 0,95 0,95 2022-03-31
Carl Fredrik Westermark 0,85 0,85 2022-03-31
Markus Saari 0,83 0,83 2022-03-31
Peter Fredell 0,74 0,74 2022-01-25
Marcus Jacobs 0,72 0,72 2022-03-31
Åke Immo 0,69 0,69 2022-03-31

Insider trading

*Source: Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Key Numbers

*Compiled data from Millistream