Phasa Holographic Imaging PHI develops instrumentation and software for time-lapse cytometry. The products are used for quantitative long-term analysis of the dynamics of live cells, particularly significant in the research of cancer, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The products are sold globally through the company's distributors. The company is based in Lund.

Quotes for Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB

Right Now

Turnover ()
Time (Latest trade)



  • Patrik Eschricht

Chairperson of the Board

  • Goran Dubravčić


  • Goran Dubravčić
  • Leland Foster
  • Mattias Lundin
  • Peter Egelberg
  • Petter Björquist


Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Altium S.A 24,61 24,61 2024-06-26
Avanza Pension 6,69 6,69 2024-06-26
Peter Egelberg 4,41 4,41 2024-06-26
Sören Christensen 1,42 1,42 2024-06-26
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring 1,25 1,25 2024-06-26
Claes Frösslund 1,24 1,24 2024-06-26
Leland Foster 0,85 0,85 2024-06-26
Magnus Egelberg 0,84 0,84 2024-06-26
Jörgen Karlsson 0,83 0,83 2024-06-26
Lars Göte Roland Jönsson 0,81 0,81 2024-06-26
** Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Insider trading

*Source: Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Key Numbers

*Compiled data from Millistream