QuickCool operates in medical technology. Today the focus is on developing cooling systems used for the regulation of body temperature. The products are mainly used on patients in intensive care with heart conditions, where the blockage has caused damage on the patient's brain. The technology works through balloon catheters that are inserted through the nasal cavity and cools the brain. The company was established in 2003 and is based in Lund.

Quotes for QuickCool AB

Right Now

Turnover ()
Time (Latest trade)



  • Fredrik Radencrantz

Chairperson of the Board

  • Göran Brorsson


  • Afnan M. Al Khalifa
  • Balázs Tüske
  • Lennart Sjölund
  • Patrick Marché
  • Victor Humberdot


Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Biovation Sciences LTD 12,19 12,19 2020-03-17
Parkallen Invest AB 7,44 7,44 2020-03-31
AB Emendum 4,99 4,99 2020-03-31
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring 4,54 4,54 2020-03-31
Teuvo Olavi Kuosmanen 2,06 2,06 2020-03-31
Henrik Gustafsson 1,83 1,83 2020-03-31
Mats Danielsson 1,83 1,83 2020-03-31
Avanza Pension 1,73 1,73 2020-03-31
Arne Andersson 1,13 1,13 2020-03-31
Armanj Atroshi 0,96 0,96 2020-03-31

Insider trading

*Source: Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Key Numbers

*Compiled data from Millistream