Quotes for NeoDynamics AB
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- Anna Eriksrud
Chairperson of the Board
- Ingrid Salén
- Carina Bolin
- Claes Pettersson
- Jie Bao
- Matthey Colpoys Jr.
- Xiao-Jun Xu
Neodynamics is a medical technology company. Today, the business is focused on developing and commercializing products for the treatment of various critical diseases. Through its proprietary micro-pulse technology, the company offers precision treatments against, among others, various forms of cancer, mainly breast cancer occurring among women. The head office is located in Lidingö.
Chairperson of the Board
Name | Capital % | Votes % | Date |
Erik Salén | 47,78 | 47,78 | 2024-09-26 |
Johan Thorell | 32,83 | 32,83 | 2024-09-26 |
Ingrid Salén | 3,97 | 3,97 | 2024-09-26 |
Erik Åfors | 1,43 | 1,43 | 2024-09-26 |
Claes Pettersson | 0,94 | 0,94 | 2024-09-26 |
Sten-Anders Fellman | 0,60 | 0,60 | 2024-09-26 |
Avanza Pension | 0,57 | 0,57 | 2024-09-26 |
Anna Eriksrud | 0,53 | 0,53 | 2024-09-26 |
Taisto Kalevi Kärkkäinen | 0,50 | 0,50 | 2024-09-26 |
Huasheng Fang | 0,42 | 0,42 | 2024-09-26 |