Parans Solar Lighting develops energy-efficient lighting systems. The company has developed a technology that enables sunlight to be made available particularly in rooms located far from windows and other sources of light. It is made possible by luminaires that capture sunlight and distribute the light through fibre optical cables. The company was established in 2003 and is based in Gothenburg.

Quotes for Parans Solar Lighting AB

Right Now

Turnover ()
Time (Latest trade)



  • Anders Koritz

Chairperson of the Board

  • Xiqing Sun


  • Fredrik Mårtensson
  • Jiwen Cai
  • Jonas Ehinger
  • Maggie Mei Jie
  • Per Tjernberg


Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Qingdao Photon Technology 28,89 28,89 2023-03-29
Gunnar Mårtensson 12,62 12,62 2023-03-29
Avanza Pension 4,34 4,34 2023-03-29
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola 2,96 2,96 2023-03-29
Dan Örjan Berglund 2,66 2,66 2023-03-29
Kanizara Capital Ltd 1,52 1,52 2023-03-29
Mikael Öhman 1,39 1,39 2023-03-29
Thrillerman Aps 0,91 0,91 2023-03-29
John Patrik Mårtensson 0,72 0,72 2023-03-29
Ingemar Olofsson 0,69 0,69 2023-03-29

Insider trading

*Source: Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Key Numbers

*Compiled data from Millistream