Press release from Companies
Publicerat: 2019-09-06 18:49:19
At a board meeting in Panion AB on September 6 2019, the development plan for Panion’s gene therapy product for treatment of drug-refractory epilepsy was discussed. The dog study at the veterinary clinic LIVS in New York is currently on hold. The board of directors decided to terminate the current study plan. Panion has had an excellent cooperation with the clinic and for clarity, no negative event has occurred in the planning of the study or with the product.
As a consequence of the terminated study in dogs, the Board of directors decided to withdraw the open Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) application at this stage to avoid the fee for the coming fiscal year 2020. A new INAD application can be opened at a later stage.
This press release contains information which Panion Animal Health AB is obliged to publish according to the EU market abuse regulation (MAR). This information was submitted by Panion’s CEO, Anja E. H. Holm, for publication on September 6 2019.
Anja E. H. Holm, CEO
+ 45-22 94 66 00
Bolaget ska utveckla och kommersialisera genterapi för behandling av epilepsiliknande tillstånd hos hundar och andra djur, samt utveckla och kommersialisera andra veterinärmedicinska produkter och nya behandlingsformer som kan ge sjuka djur bättre livskvalitet.
Panion will develop and commercialize a gene therapy treatment for dogs with drug refractory epilepsy, and other new animal health products and treatments that improve the quality of life for animals suffering from chronic diseases.