Press release from Companies

Publicerat: 2023-04-28 03:04:25

Katalysen Ventures AB: Communiqué from 2023 AGM in Katalysen Ventures AB (publ)

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Katalysen Ventures AB (publ), held yesterday on the 27th of April, the Parent Company's and the Group's income statements and balance sheets for 2022 were established and approved. It was decided that dividends will not be paid out for the period. The Board of Directors and the CEO for the financial year 2022 were discharged from liability. The sitting Board of Directors was re-elected, Heinrich Weber was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as auditor. Renumeration to independent members of the Board of Directors will remain unchanged. Additionally, the AGM granted the Board of Directors an authorization to conduct share issues in accordance with the terms below.

Swedish Original: Beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att besluta om emissioner

Styrelsen föreslår att årsstämman beslutar att bemyndiga styrelsen att, vid ett eller flera tillfällen under tiden fram till nästa årsstämma, med eller utan avvikelse från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt, besluta om emission av aktier eller teckningsoptioner. Emission ska kunna ske med eller utan föreskrift om apport, kvittning eller annat villkor. Totalt antal aktier som ska kunna ges ut, eller, vid emission av teckningsoptioner, tillkomma efter utnyttjande, med stöd av bemyndigandet ska sammanlagt högst uppgå till 1 177 978 stycken, motsvarande en total maximal utspädning om cirka 15 procent beräknat på nuvarande antal aktier i bolaget. Syftet med bemyndigandet är att möjliggöra för bolaget att anskaffa rörelsekapital samt att genomföra företagsförvärv eller förvärv av rörelsetillgångar. I den mån bemyndigandet utnyttjas för emission med avvikelse från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt ska emissionen ske på marknadsmässiga villkor. Bolagets verkställande direktör ska vara bemyndigad att vidta de smärre formella justeringar av beslutet som kan visa sig erforderliga i samband med registrering vid Bolagsverket.

English Translation: Decision on authorization for board to decide on share issues

The board proposes that the annual general meeting decides to authorize the board, on one or more occasions until the next annual general meeting, with or without deviation from the shareholders' pre-emption rights, to decide on the issuance of shares or warrants. The issuance may take place with or without provisions for contributions in kind, offsetting or other conditions. The total number of shares that may be issued or added through the exercise of warrants, based on the authorization, shall in total amount to a maximum of 1,177,978 shares, corresponding to a total maximum dilution of approximately 15 percent calculated on the current number of shares in the company. The purpose of the authorization is to enable the company to raise working capital and to carry out corporate acquisitions or acquisitions of operating assets. To the extent the authorization is used for the issuance with deviation from the shareholders' pre-emption rights, the issuance shall be made on market terms. The CEO of the company shall be authorized to make minor formal adjustments to the decision as may prove necessary in connection with registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

For more information on Katalysen Ventures, please contact:
CEO Peter Almberg
Phone: +46 76 860 37 00

About Katalysen Ventures AB (publ):
Katalysen Ventures is a listed Venture Developer, an investment company that collaborates with entrepreneurs and other investors to develop early-stage companies. As a Venture Developer, Katalysen refines early-stage companies with high scalability by providing hands-on expertise and involvement, a large network, and in some cases capital. Katalysen's Venture Developer model aims to achieve a high return on investment by ensuring that over 75 percent of its portfolio holdings stem from invested expertise, with an investment horizon of 2-3 years. The model also mitigates early-stage investment risk, as Katalysens' active involvement provides ongoing and valuable insights into the well-being of portfolio companies. For early-stage companies, Katalysen is an ideal development partner that offers more than just capital. With one of Sweden's broadest portfolios in the segment, Katalysen offers an easy way for investors to spread risk and gain exposure to unlisted early-stage companies with great potential.

Katalysen's team of developers have offices in Stockholm, Geneva, and San Francisco and have so far invested their expertise and capital in over 30 companies.

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