Press release from Companies

Publicerat: 2024-07-12 14:33:23

Spotlight: EmbeddedArt Group AB:s aktie återförs till Spotlights ordinarie lista

(For English version see below) 

Efter det genomförda omvända förvärvet av EmbeddedArt samt namnbytet till EmbeddedArt Group AB har bolaget genomgått en ny noteringsprövning. Bolaget är nu godkänt efter genomförd noteringsprövning och har i samband med detta upprättat ett memorandum som beskriver bolagets nya verksamhetsinriktning. Bolagets aktie återförs till Spotlights ordinarie lista från och med idag, den 12 juli 2024. 

Kortnamn:  EMART 
ISIN: SE0021924719 

Bolagets memorandum kommer inom kort att finnas tillgängligt på  

EmbeddedArt Group AB shares is transferred to Spotlight’s Main List  

Following the completed reverse acquisition of EmbeddedArt and the name change to EmbeddedArt Group AB, the company has undergone a new listing review. The company is now approved after the completed listing review and, in conjunction with this, has prepared a memorandum describing the company's new business orientation. The company’s share will be reintroduced to Spotlight’s main list as of today, July 12, 2024. 

Ticker Symbol:  EMART 
ISIN: SE002924719 

The company’s memorandum will soon be available at

Spotlight Stock Market 
+46 8-511 68 000  

About Spotlight 

Spotlight Stock Market is a market place that wants to make it easier, safer and more visible for growth companies to become and be listed. The company also offers investors the opportunity to become shareholders in growth companies in an easier and safer way. At Spotlight Stock Market there are more than 150 listed growth companies from different industries. Spotlight Stock Market was founded 1997,have 20 employees and head office in Stockholm. Read more at 

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