Press release from Companies
Publicerat: 2014-07-14 10:35:10
MedicPen tecknar avtal med The Uzsoki Street Hospital och G2N Global Advisory Service LTD. Arbetet med att integrera MedicPens produkt Medimi i Microsofts HealthVault är därmed inlett. Det beräknas ta minst sex månader innan Medimi är integrerad och godkänd av Microsoft. Partners i projektet är Microsoft, Medexpelt 77 Elektronika, Penta Vox och Promecome LTT.
- E-Health marknaden förändras i snabb takt och MedicPens system passar klockrent i denna utveckling. Vi är inne i flera spännande diskussioner med stora aktörer på marknaden. Nu är vi med i ett intressant samarbete i Ungern och vi förväntar oss liknande avtal i andra länder i närtid, säger MedicPens VD Per Nilsson. Nedan följer den pressrelease som publicerades tidigare i år i Ungern angående projektet; Budapest’s Uzsoki Street Hospital and Microsoft have entered a strategic partnership to begin a remote patient monitoring pilot project that will run from January to October. The project is part of the Government’s e-health initiative. The Hospital’s general manager, Andrea Ficzere, said at a press conference that patient data such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, heartbeat and certain ECG data will be transmitted to hospital staff via the internet or using mobile technology, thus reducing the need for costly and time-consuming doctor-patient meetings. Doctors can also intervene immediately if the data show irregularities. MedicPen AB, Medexcpert, 77 Elektronika, Pentavox, G2MGlobal and Promecome Ltd are strategic partners of the Uzsoki Street Hospital and Microsoft to implement telemedicine and adherence services. The Hungarian Telemedicine and E-health Association is the scientific partner of the program. Part of the project is the development of simple software that elderly patients can also use, but in the case of which some of the data will be forwarded automatically. MedicPen aim, is to launch a pilot project in Hungary, support with Swedish technology the research activities and prepare end pilot-project evaluation report. Strengthen Pharmacy’s business market position through a differentiated value proposition bundling telecommunication and medical services, said Mr Cristian Hallin CEO of MedicPen. Pál Miletics, president of the Hungarian Telemedicine and E-health Association said, The aim is to test the assumption that by using a GSM enabled - automated medication dispensing device: better self-management of medication enables people to enjoy improved quality of life, remain independent at home for longer and be less reliant on health and social care services (thus reducing costs to these economies);heavy reliance on self-management and education as patients routinely measure their health levels at home and follow protocols initiated by their provider and a care team that includes suggestions, recommended exercise regimens and medication. För ytterligare information: Per Nilsson, VD Telefon: 035-100 800, 0701-415 448 E-post: