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Publicerat: 2018-06-13 11:00:00

Oncology Venture Sweden AB: MPI and Oncology Venture are merging - here are answers to When, How, and What

Hoersholm, Denmark, June 13, 2018 - Oncology Venture AB (OV:ST) ("OV" or the "Company") and Medical Prognosis Institute (MPI.ST) ("MPI") today informed about details regarding the merger between MPI and Oncology Venture

On the basis of the joint merger plan adopted by the boards of Medical Prognosis Institute A/S (“MPI”) and Oncology Venture Sweden AB (“OV”) on March 9, 2018, General Meetings were held on May 30, 2018 in MPI and OV where it was unanimously decided by the represented shareholders in both companies to approve the merger plan between MPI and OV.
Under Swedish law, a compulsory two month creditor notice period will follow after the shareholder approvals. During this period, known and unknown creditors of OV may oppose the merger. The creditor notice period is expected to expire on August 8, 2018. In connection with the expiration of the creditor notice period, registration of the merger and the actual exchange of shares are to take place. The shares in the merged company are expected to be ready for trading on Nasdaq First North in or around the first half of September, 2018.
You can continue to trade OV shares until the last trading day of OV shares on Spotlight Stock Market (“Spotlight”) (previously named AktieTorget). The last trading day in OV shares is currently expected to take place on or around 31 August, 2018. Since MPI will be the continuing company, you can continue to trade in MPI shares on Nasdaq First North as normal.
On or around August 29, 2018 MPI and OV will issue a press release designating the last trading day in OV shares on Spotlight as well as the date of when the exchange of shares shall take place. The press release will be published at least five trading days before the exchange of shares.

Below you will find answers to common questions related to the merger

Q: What will be the name of the continuing company?
A: Although MPI will be the continuing entity we do believe that the “Oncology Venture” name is the most representative for what we do. After the exchange of shares has taken place, the name of the continuing company will be changed from “Medical Prognosis Institute A/S” to “Oncology Venture A/S”. The continuing company will continue to be listed on Nasdaq First North.

Q: Why is MPI the continuing company?
A: As mentioned above, the shares in MPI are listed on Nasdaq First North. We believe that this is the stock exchange platform that suits our company best. The listing on Nasdaq First North also makes it easier when potentially moving the continuing company to the Nasdaq Stockholm main market. In addition, the technical complication going the opposite way also pointed towards that the continuing company would be MPI.

Q: Can I continue to buy and sell shares in MPI and OV?
A: Yes, you can continue to buy and sell shares in MPI as normal. You can also continue to buy and sell shares in OV until the last trading day in OV shares on Spotlight takes place. The last trading day in OV shares is currently expected to take place on or around 31 August, 2018. MPI and OV will on or around August 29, 2018 issue a press release designating the last trading day in OV shares on Spotlight as well as the date of when the exchange of shares shall take place.

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Q: Do I have any practical responsibilities as shareholder in regard to the exchange of shares?
A: As a shareholder in MPI and OV you are not required to take any practical actions in regard to the exchange of shares. The exchange of shares will take place automatically in or around the first half of September, 2018. After completion of the merger, OV will be dissolved and de-registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

Q: When was the exchange ratio between the shares decided?
A: The exchange ratio was decided by the boards of OV and MPI as stated in the joint merger plan dated March 9, 2018. The exchange ratio was also published in a joint press release announcing the merger on March 9, 2018. For each OV share, shareholders in OV will receive 1.8524 shares in MPI (1.8524:1). MPI shareholders will keep the share volume that they currently hold.

Q: How was the exchange ratio between the OV and MPI shares decided?
A: The exchange ratio was decided based on the trading volume-weighted market capitalisations of MPI and OV during a 4-week period in January and February, 2018 and the total number of outstanding shares in the companies. In relation to the exchange ratio, the board of MPI has obtained an independent valuation report plan from EY, reflecting their opinion that the consideration for the shares in OV is fair and reasonable. The board of OV has obtained a separate fairness opinion from KPMG Transactional Advisors, reflecting their opinion that the consideration for the shares in OV, from a financial point of view, is fair to the shareholders of OV. For further details regarding the exchange ratio, please see the joint merger plan adopted by the boards of MPI and OV, available on: and

If you have additional questions please feel free to contact either of the companies directly on or

Updated timeline:

Announcement of the merger 9 March 2018

Registration of the merger plan 20 March 2018

Publication of the merger prospectus 30 April 2018

Shareholder approvals of the merger in both MPI and OV 30 May 2018

Expiry of creditor notice period 8 August 2018

Registration of the merger with the Danish Business Authority on or around 31 August 2018

Last trading day of OV shares on or around 31 August 2018

Exchange of shares on or around 4 September 2018

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta

Ulla Hald Buhl, operativ chef, ansvarig för IR & kommunikation Telefon: +45 2170 1049


Peter Buhl Jensen, VD Telefon: +45 21 60 89 22

Om Drug Response Predictor - DRP® Companion Diagnostic Oncology Venture använder Medical Prognosis Institutes (“MPI”) multigen-DRP® för att välja ut de patienter som genom den genetiska signaturen i sin cancer förutses ha en hög svarsgrad för ett läkemedel. Målet är att utveckla läkemedlet för rätt patienter och genom att screena patienterna före behandling kan responsgraden signifikant ökas. Denna DRP®-metod bygger på jämförelse mellan känsliga och resistenta mänskliga cancercellinjer inklusive genomisk information från cellinjer kombinerat med klinisk tumörbiologi och kliniska korrelater i ett systembiologinätverk. DRP® är baserad på messenger-RNA från patientens biopsier.

DRP®-plattformen, det vill säga DRP® och PRPTM-verktygen kan användas i alla cancertyper och är patenterad för över 70 olika anticancerläkemedel i USA. PRPTM används av MPI för Personalized Medicine. DRP® används av Oncology Venture för läkemedelsutveckling.

Om Oncology Venture Sweden AB Oncology Venture Sweden AB arbetar med forskning och utveckling inom cancerläkemedel via det helägda danska företaget Oncology Venture ApS. Oncology Venture innehar licens att använda Drug Response Prediction - DRP® - för att signifikant kunna öka sannolikheten att lyckas i kliniska tester. DRP® har visat förmåga att ge statistiskt tillförlitliga förutsägelser för kliniska resultat av läkemedelsbehandling av cancerpatienter i 29 av 37 undersökta kliniska studier. Företaget använder sig av en modell som förbättrar oddsen jämfört med traditionell farmaceutisk utveckling. Istället för att behandla alla patienter som har en viss typ av cancer genscreenas först biopsier från patienternas tumörer, och endast de patienter som sannolikt kommer svara positivt på behandling med aktuell läkemedelskandidat inkluderas sedan i studien. Med en mer väldefinierad patientgrupp kan risker och kostnader minimeras, och utvecklingen effektiviseras. Nuvarande produktportfölj: LiPlaCis® för bröstcancer i samarbete med Cadila Pharmaceuticals, Irofulven, utvecklad ur en svamp, mot prostatacancer, och APO010: en immunonkologisk produkt mot multipelt myelom (benmärgscancer). Oncology Venture har bildat två spinoff-företag i form av specialbolag: 2X Oncology Inc. är ett USA-baserat företag som fokuserar på precisionsmedicin för kvinnliga cancerformer, för tillfället med en produktportfölj bestående av tre lovande produktkandidater i fas 2. OV-SPV 2 är ett danskt företag som ska testa och potentiellt utveckla en småmolekyl-kinas-hämmare från Novartis. Oncology Venture äger för närvarande 92 procent av 2X Oncology Inc. och 40 procent av OV-SPV2.
Den 30 maj 2018 beslutade MPI:s och Oncology Ventures respektive bolagsstämmor om en sammanslagning av bolagen. Handel i Oncology Ventures aktier kommer att fortsätta under de kommande månaderna och varje aktie i Oncology Venture kommer att ge 1,8524 aktier i MPI när sammanslagningen är genomförd.

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